Our Mission


To offer remembrance photography to parents who are suffering the loss of a baby. Heaven Bound will give the free gift of professional photography to those who request it.


Heaven Bound, working with quality professional photographers, will assist in the family's healing process by providing beautiful heirloom portraits to families facing the untimely death of their baby. Honouring the child's legacy is an important step in the healing process.

Monetary donations received for this cause will help offset costs towards our website upkeep as well as our minimal office expenses; some of which include providing hospitals with Heaven Bound brochures that are given to families in need.

Heaven Bound is not in the business to make money but will divert any extra proceeds received into gift cards so we may say 'Thank You' to our volunteer photographers. It is a small way of giving back to our community of photographers when they, in turn, have donated their time and materials while making these memories possible.